Intense Renewal with Keratin Treatments
The Intense Renewal
If you need ninety percent curl reduction, or if you are a hair stylist and your client wants ninety percent cur reduction, this is the method you are supposed to apply on them. It will also faster the blow dry time need for the hair and a curl and frizz free hair which will serve them up to four months.
The process is quite long though bearable since the process does not emit any fumes, though it takes about three hours it has instant results. The process will help you repair the damaged hair if you had any, and the hair will also be smoothened and softened, to come up with cute shiny hair that is full of health.
For a successful process, follow the following steps
Step One
First, you have to section the hair into three or four parts, depending on the volume and length of your hair. After that, you will cleanse the hair using a keratherapy clean start pre-treatment shampoo, which will get rid of any impurities present in the hair and open the hair cuticles. You will have to repeat this process twice while rinsing the hair thoroughly.
If you are using this immediately after coloring of the hair, or any highlighting services, you will have to moisturize the hair first using keratherapy moisture or volume shampoo, and not the keratherapy clean start pre-treatment shampoo. That is very important to note, as it will cause a lot of difference in the process.
Step Two
The cleaning part is over, and so you have to towel dry the hair, after which, you should carefully detangle it and remove any knots that may have been formed. While doing this, ensure that you do not cut off your customer's hair. Use a comb with wide teeth, and it shall be more comfortable. Another thing, do not blow-dry the hair.
Step Three
After detangling, it is now time to apply the keratherapy intense in the hair, or the extreme renewal. Before that, you have to pour them into a bowl. You will have to measure the quantity of these products as per the texture and volume, plus the length of the hair.
Step Four
Start to apply it from the nape of the neck upwards, after sectioning the hair into tiny parts, to ensure that enough keratherapy renewal has reached all the strand of the hair. The formula, without forgetting the roots of the hair. You will use a tint brush, which will ease your workload.
Step Five
After the application on the whole head, you can now start massaging the treatment, in all the areas applied, to ensure that it penetrates the entire hair, and injects into the open cuticles. It is worth to note that you should never apply the treatment directly to the scalp of your customer, or over saturate it.
Step Six
Use a dine comb, with large teeth to get rid of any excess solution. This will be achieved by combing the hair from the roots upwards. Do this throughout the entire head, to ensure an even distribution of the treatment
Step Seven
Here, you shall then blow dry the hair in medium heat and using a keratherapy square ceramic brush until the hair is entirely dried out. Finally, use a keratherapy titanium flat iron, with the correct heat temperature to flat iron the hair, and seal in the treatment.
The Bottom Line
Continue with the same process, until you are done the parts of the hair withal. After everything, you will wait or forty-eight to seventy-two hours before shampooing your hair. And when you shampoo it, you will have to use a sulfate free hair shampoo and conditioner, to keep the hair healthy.
You now have a straight and shiny long smooth hair. You can confidently go out with friends, go parting and feel good about yourself.