Micro Link Hair Extensions in Las Vegas

Being that micro link human hair extensions are attached singly to a single strand of hair, they can easily pull out and damage your natural hair. They can also damage your hair shaft when clamped together.
Micro link human hair extensions last for up to ten weeks if well maintained. They take up to two hours to install since it requires doing strand by strand. However, it may be uncomfortable for some but comfortable for others. However, it is not very durable.
Micro link human hair extensions are considered to be the safest extensions because there are no harsh chemicals needed for installation. Neither are there glues needed. If you get a professional stylist, he or she can fix them extremely well to avoid them from damaging your real hair.
They are reusable. If you maintain them well and keep them in a good place after use, you can reuse them. Just brush them well to remove tangles then wash and air dry. Apply some good oil moisturizer and keep them safely for the next use.
To avoid damaging them, do not remove them on your own. Visit a stylist to help you have them undone. If you want to do it on your own, then you ought to buy a special tool specifically for undoing them one by one.
Treat them like your own natural hair by washing them normally as you do to your hair. Do not heat-style the, comb using a wide-toothed comb to remove tangles. Use shampoos and conditioners while washing them. Do not wring them. Drain off the water using a dry towel and then dry them in the air.
Pros to micro link extensions
- The links do not damage your natural hair as other extensions installed by use of glue.
- There is no risk to allergic reaction since there are no harsh adhesives and chemicals used to install and apply on them.
- Micro links do not require heat styling so if your skin is sensitive, there will be no cases of discomfort due to heat rush.
- They are safer and secure if installed well and there are no chances of the extensions becoming loose and falling off.
- They come in a variety of colors and styles and are affordable.
- They are easy to reuse if you maintain them well to avoid tangles. They can be put back.
Cons to micro link extensions
- They are very discreet and natural looking but if your hair is very short, there might be chances of the links and rings being spotted.
- They are prone to hair damage if your natural hair is weak and thin. This may cause further breakage.
- They are very long lasting and would not work best for a single night or single occasion hence clip in extensions will be preferable.
- They take long to install since they are done strand by strand and the strands are so many. This means they are time consuming and require frequent visits to the salon for maintenance.
- It needs a lot of good care hence needs brushing twice a day to maintain the good look.
Before buying micro link hair extensions, you can put the following into consideration;
- Hair color
It’s very challenging to get a good-color hair extension if you have dyed your hair before. Lucky enough, there is different tons of color hence making it easier for you to pick your desired color. So, you will definitely pick the right color shade. The wrong hair color will let people know that you are wearing an extension.
- Length
Quality hair extensions will serve you for long. Most of them last for years. Be keen on the length of the extensions in relation to that of your hair. Though difficult to choose, it will eventually be worth your time and penny.
- Thickness
Thickness of the extensions should be the same from top to bottom. The thickness goes hand in hand with length. To identify a good extension, hold it up and check for any visible gaps.
- Texture
Hair extensions can be curly, wavy or straight. It’s not easy to change them so you ought to choose your preferred style. Otherwise you will end up spending a lot of time trying to change them to your preferred style every time you have to put them on.
Micro link human hair extensions can be styles in different ways. You can curl or straighten them into your desired look. They add beauty more so if your natural hair is long. The rings will not be visible. This is advised for people with skin problems such as heat rashes and frequent itching due to adhesives and chemicals.