What’s the Difference Between I-TIPS and U-TIPS Hair Extensions?

What’s the Difference Between I-TIPS and U-TIPS Hair Extensions?
There’s a lot of confusing jargon when it comes to fittings associated with hair extensions. This often becomes the reason of misperception and makes it difficult to decide on which method to go for. The two most popular methods used globally are UTIPS and ITIPS. Below-mentioned are a few facts that make them different from each other. Read on:
Also referred to as the nail tip or pre-bonded, Utips is the type of extensions that have keratin tips that are found at the end of the extension and heated for the purpose of the application. The term basically denotes the shape of the keratin that is attached to each of the hair strands which is either nail shaped or u shaped. The shape is purposed at making the keratin melt quickly so that a sealed bond can be created.
The fitting of the Utip hair extensions is done by sectioning the part of the hair and ensuring scalp protection with the help of a heat shield. A heat connector is then used for melting the keratin micro link against a small section of your natural hair. The same is rolled together tightly with the help of fingers so that a completely sealed bond can be formed which cools down quickly. It’s advised to go for Italian keratin as it has a protein that is naturally occurring in the hair. So there’s no damage whatsoever.
On the basis of the brand that you go for, this type of hair extension would easily stay on your head for about 3-4 months before you reapply a fresh set. The bonds begin to deteriorate and slowly slide low down with passing weeks and months. When you notice them sliding down, it’s time for their maintenance.
If you look after your Utip extensions well, then the keratin tips can be re-tipped and made ready for another use. It's best to go for professional Utip hair removal as it helps avoid unnecessary damage to the hair. During the process, the bonds are broken down one by one with the help of an alcohol-based solution.
The Utip method is highly advised for those who have fine hair as the bonds are extremely small and can further be made smaller by cutting, making them almost discreet. Since the strands are attached very close to the hairline, it means that the bonds will virtually be undetectable, thereby giving the most natural results.
Also known as micro rings or stick tip extensions, Itips extensions are one of the latest extension applications. These are made up of hair strands that are glued together at the tip.
Itips also known as stick tip/micro ring hair extension is one of the newer extension applications and is made up of hair strands glued together at the tip. They are one of the safest methods available when fitted correctly and cause no damage to the natural hair. They are applied without heat and are instead attached to the natural hair with a micro ring. An equal amount of the natural hair is pulled through the micro ring to the hairline by using a hair hook tool and the micro ring is then compressed around the hair with hair pliers. The rings fit in a flat manner to the scalp that makes them feel almost weightless. This creates an extremely safe and secure attachment. The rings are available in many different colors to match your hair that makes it easy to blend, giving an all-natural look.
When maintained well, I-tip hair can last for a long duration. With continued usage and as your hair begins to grow, the rings begin moving lower down from your scalp. When using Itip hair, maintenance is extremely important as the rings will need to be moved back up to the top of the scalp after every 6-8 weeks. The movement of rings back to their ideal position must be done by a qualified professional. The removal of the extensions is a lengthy process and must again be done by a professional. During the process of unclamping the microbeads, you will notice a build-up of the residue of hair products/shampoo that sits around the ring.
Although the I-tip hair extensions are suitable for those with fine to thick hair, it is more ideal for those with thicker hair as that makes the rings more discreet. They are easy to maintain and involve a damage-free application, unlike u-tips where heat is involved.
Which One Is Best For You?
So which one is the best choice for you? Well, it all boils down to your individual requirements and goals as well as your natural hair type. If you have coarse, kinky, or curly hair that tends to tangle or frizz easily, cold-fused keratin I-tips are your best option. For women with straight strands, hot-fused U-tips are better. Reputed companies such as Knockout Virgin Hair are your best bet for buying extensions of all types.